Bloggy Update 11/4

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Are you Nano-ing?

National Novel Writing Month is upon us. It’s the international internet opportunity to write a novel (or anything you like, actually…) in 50,000 words – from November 1 – midnight on November 30.

I’ve “won” three times. Each of those 50,000 word first drafts have eventually turned into Badfish, Track 9, and most recently, Buried. From the time I begin Nano to finally creating the finished product, it takes about 2 years. I fully expect this time to be no different. Yes, I’ve started book/novel #4. It doesn’t have a title yet, but I’m about 6,600 words in.

The hardest part is not editing. When you spend the better part of 1 1/2 years editing and fine tuning a VERY rough draft into something tight and succinct , it’s quite a switch to basically just start typing in a kind of “stream of consciousness” and not worry about specifics at all. I’m sure many of you can relate if you’re doing Nano.

I’ve also met a number of groovy authors over the past 4 weekends of book events and told them about the opportunity to be a part of the Meet and Greet. There’s been some great response, so please make sure you poke around the blog more often than not! There’s going to be new interviews and then some!

Okay, I’ve been busting out a LOT of words over the past 4 days and I’ve also updated some other sections, so take a look. Share the blog. Buy a book or two (or three!) And for all that is good and right in the world, if you HAVE read any of my books (or anyone else’s for that matter), please leave a review on Amazon/Goodreads/Social Media.

It’s the best thing you can do!






  1. I’ve tried a couple times, but never a ‘win’. This year I’m in the middle of editing a new novel so not really any reason to do Nano. It did help me get a good start on the first Witch’s Backbone book a couple years back though.

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    1. That’s really what I “use” Nano for – getting a draft of a book. Otherwise, I seriously doubt I would sit down and write every day (or almost every day) on a consistent basis.


  2. Thanks, Teri! Yeah, I can’t believe it’s already the 5th. I’m trying to squeeze words in when I can. Good luck, though. You may just surprise yourself and hit it. Crazier things have happened 🙂

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